Windshield Wiper Switch For Toyota Tundra Tacoma Corolla Camry

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Windshield Wiper Switch For Toyota Tundra Tacoma Corolla Camry

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The windshield wiper switch with part numbers 84652-0P011 and 84652-0P012 are electronic components used in a variety of Toyota vehicles, including the Tundra, Tacoma, Corolla, and Camry.

The switch is typically located on the steering column or dashboard, within easy reach of the driver. It is responsible for controlling the operation of the windshield wipers, allowing the driver to adjust the speed and frequency of the wiper blades.

Some common features and functions of the Toyota windshield wiper switch include:

1Wiper Speed Control: The switch allows the driver to adjust the speed of the windshield wipers, from intermittent to high-speed settings, depending on the driving conditions.

2Windshield Washer Function: In addition to controlling the wiper blades, the switch also activates the windshield washer fluid pump, allowing drivers to clean the windshield as needed.

3Wiper Delay Setting: Many Toyota wiper switches feature a delay setting, allowing drivers to set a specific interval between wiper blade movements.

Overall, the windshield wiper switch is a critical component for safe driving during inclement weather conditions. The switch's advanced features provide drivers with flexibility and control over windshield wiper operation, ensuring clear visibility and reduced risks of accidents or collisions.

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